01/27/2014 | Comments Off on How a Happy Life Checklist Can Change Your Life
If you have 2 minutes, and want to find out the profoundly simple secret about how happiness really works, watch my brand new video.

A happy life checklist can, truly, change your life. And I hope that after you watch this video, you will feel happier instantly. As in today, right now.
And if you’re inspired by the video and want more ideas on how to savor the small moments of happiness every day—in areas of love, grace, confidence, vitality and delight among others, for a life of true, balance and bliss—grab the book that inspired it today! Grab The Happy Life Checklist: 654 Ways To Find Your Bliss on Amazon.com.
01/23/2014 | Comments Off on The Happy Life Checklist is Almost Here!
I’m really excited about this one: My brand new book The Happy Life Checklist: 654 Simple Ways to Find Your Bliss will be on shelves in just over a week! (Release date: Feb. 4)

It’s a collection of small ideas that will help you savor and celebrate every day. The book covers ten areas you might be interested to work on in your life, including adding some delight, more bliss, some grace, confidence, or comfort. Because the more balance you have, gratefully appreciating all areas of your life—from busy to to laid back, from time with others to time alone—the more fulfilled you allow yourself to feel.
Happiness is in the second and minutes of life, not just in the years. Start filling your list with more fun things today.
The Happy Life Checklist is available now for pre-order on Amazon.com. So…ready to get your happy on?
05/22/2013 | Comments Off on Bright Side Up in Barnes and Noble
When I come across my book in the bookstores, I usually can’t help but take a snap of it. Some of these shots are from when the book was first released, others more recent. And I must admit, it still makes me smile (big!) to see this on shelves…
| Comments Off on Helping Apple Users See Bright Side Up!
Here’s what I do every time I’m in an Apple store (which is kind of a lot). I like to spread the optimism in the best way I know how:
You never know when someone is having a down day and could use the reminder right in front of them…
04/13/2012 | Comments Off on Treat Yourself to Bright Side Up & Bloomspot!
You know I love sharing things that can make us feel happier in our every day lives. And this month, I’m teaming up with Bloomspot so you can get happy in a dose of double goodness: through my happiness tips and their treats!

Do you know about Bloomspot? It’s a gorgeous site that offers local deals for high-end restaurants, spa treatments, drinks, getaways, tasting menu specials and more. It’s in about a dozen major U.S. cities so far, but it’s spreading it’s blooms and hopefully reaches a spot near you soon. And this month, we’re teaming up to spread the happy!

And yesterday, the site introduced their new makeover and…me. Because for the month, I’ll be sharing some of my happiness tips about living the good life. Check out this post for the yummy giveaways and news about the special days (uh, hello, Treat Yourself Thursdays?).
And today, you can check out my first post on the site! In it, I talk about a very surprising new study that answers this question:
Is it better to engaging in a lot of little luxuries or throw your eggs into one big one?
You can find the answer here, in my first happiness tip.

So check out the post, Like it on Facebook, Tweet it, or pin it to your Pinterest board! Especially because among all the giveaways and goodies Bloomspot will be offering all month, if you don’t yet have your copy of Bright Side Up, a little birdie just might be carrying some books in her basket…
Don’t miss out. Come join me in the fun!
Big love,

03/23/2012 | Comments Off on Get the AUDIO edition of Bright Side Up!
Well, here’s some exciting news: The audio edition of Bright Side Up is now available!

- Amy Spencer recording the BRIGHT SIDE UP audio edition
On a few beautiful L.A. days back in December, I headed into the recording studio and read Bright Side Up aloud. It was a fun reminder of my radio days, when I hosted my own show on Sirius/XM radio for the Maxim channel, answering love advice to callers. Me, a microphone and a small soundproofed room? I’m in! The Bright Side Up audio book runs 5 hours and 14 minutes. Buy it here on Amazon.com.
This will be my very first audio book, and it was such a joy to record. Here’s the studio set-up, with my print out of the book at my spot, and a bottle of water at my side. (And did I go through a lot of it!)

- The studio where I recorded the audio edition
And here I am recording the book over three days:

- Amy Spencer, recording the audio version of BRIGHT SIDE UP
Maybe the audio edition will be just the thing to listen to on your work commute or while taking an evening walk, so it can give you something positive to think about as you go through your day. The book is broken into 100 small chapters, so you can even treat yourself to one a day to start your morning right. Download your copy and get it on that iPod!
I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I loved recording it.
Big love,

03/16/2012 | Comments Off on It’s HEALTH Magazine’s “Happiness Secret”
Thank you Health magazine for the mention of Bright Side Up in this month’s issue! Editor-in-Chief Ellen Kunes featured the book on her editor’s letter for the April 2012 issue, calling it “My Happiness Secret.”

Funny, it just happens to be mine, too!
02/22/2012 | Comments Off on FIRST Magazine Recommends BRIGHT SIDE UP
Here’s the latest magazine to put Bright Side Up on the must-read list for February: First for Women magazine. And let’s be honest, I probably love it more because it’s next to that delicious-looking cupcake. I wish we could get that on Amazon.com, too. Thank you, First!

Big love,
02/06/2012 | Comments (1)
…read this thorough review by Rachel Wilkerson, who writes on the blog “The Life and Times of Rachel Wilkerson.”

I know Rachel (well, as much as you can through the social media-o-sphere) and it’s a really positive review (phew!). But I also think she gives a great description of what you’ll find within the book: How it’s set up, what I include, what made her laugh, and what made her cry. So if you want to know if this is a book for you, her explanation will give you a pretty great idea.
I’ll also be answering questions posted in the comments section this week, so if you have any questions, post them in her comments! And if you want to hear what I have to say in the answers, check the blog this Friday, February 10 for my answers. And now, if you do want to get the book, order it now!
Big love,
01/31/2012 | Comments Off on Seeing Bright Side Up on Truth + Fairytales
My friend Nicole Argento wrote a wonderful take on Bright Side Up on her blog Truth + Fairytales — illustrated with a gorgeous collage she made about what she sees when she thinks of living by the book.
I think her piece is beautiful and her blog is a happy place full of inspiring, life-affirming stories, quotes and designs. Read it and you’ll see!

Big love,